Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
BISP Offices Closed Due to Eid ul Adha Holidays 2024

Following the announcement of the Eid-ul-Adha holidays, all BISP offices will close for the next five days. This time, the government of Pakistan has declared a five-day official vacation in honor of Eid ul-Adha. Due to the Eid vacations, the BISP has also suspended payments. Furthermore, the registration process will not be completed because the offices are closed.

June 15SaturdayWeekend Holiday
June 16SundayWeekend Holiday
June 17MondayEidul Adha
June 18TuesdayEidul Adha
June 19WednesdayEidul Adha

BISP Holiday Schedule for Eid al Adha 2024

Eid ul Adha holidays in Pakistan will continue from June 17 to June 19, with all government departments starting their holidays on June 15. The last holiday will be declared on June 19, after consulting the PMD and other relevant departments. Eid ul Adha is an important Islamic celebration, marking Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to show obedience to God. Muslims sacrifice animals and share the meat with family and friends.

When will the BISP offices open after the holidays 2024

Let’s now discuss the date of the BISP offices’ reopening following the holidays. In this regard, allow me to inform you that all offices will reopen on June 19 due to the Government of Pakistan’s announcement of holidays from June 15 to June 19. All offices will resume regular business hours and working conditions on Thursday, June 20. Following that, those from low-income and worthy households will be able to attend the Benazir Income Support Program offices to finish the registration process and obtain financial assistance.


In conclusion, due to the Eid-ul-Adha holidays, the BISP offices will be closed from June 15 to June 19. The BISP’s payment and new registration procedure will be closed for a total of five days, which also includes the Saturday and Sunday before the Eid festivities. Following the holidays, work will resume in all offices on June 20. Eid ul Adha is a celebration of sacrifice and sharing, centered around an important Islamic holiday that mirrors the custom of giving meat to those in need.

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